ASMR Binaural Brainwaves

ASMR (Auto Sensory Meridian Response) is an amazing tingle on the skin, scalp, or through the body that can be euphoric and extremely relaxing. Now, combine this with binaural brainwaves and… WOW…
ASMR euphoria CAN be triggered, and it is AMAZING. But, let’s backtrack a little. It’s not that simple. Technically, ASMR is subjective. Some may shrug it off as strange and ineffectual. Some are instantly shocked at how effective it is. YouTube has all kinds of amateur ASMR audio, but THIS is something different. Conventional ASMR trigger audio is typically mouth effects like whispering, breathing and smacking. I-Doser has combined ASMR with Binaural Brainwave Pure Tone audio and made aural experiences that rival anything available. This whole concept my seem very new to you: audio to elicit experiences, simulated moods, and intense physical reactions – lets cover some of the basics before we move on to what makes Binaurals WITH ASMR so effective. I-Doser has made a great video covering the new release (ASMR mentioned briefly). We HIGHLY recommend you CLICK HERE to subscribe to their channel. They post great video content on this topic, binaurals, lucid dreams, simulated experiences, metaphysical, spiritual, sexual and so much more.
This new form of attention induced head euphoria is truly the ultimate in audio-based intelligent AI simulated experiences. Typical ASMR may give VERY SLIGHT brain tingle or other such feelings. When you combine true pro level ASMR audio with powerful binaural brain dosing, you end up with something that is much more than just a brain orgasm. It is a true synthesis of binaural full-body AMRotica. Amateur YouTube ASMR audio can (but to many it does not) give some of those body tingles ASMR is known for. Binaural ASMR, however, tunes your brain to very specific frequencies before hitting it with ASMR triggers. This can cause all kinds of spontaneous effects on the body. This is best depicted in one of the world’s best-selling Binaural ASMR Albums titled the ASMR Comfort Pack. Click here to grab it.
Before you go headstrong into ASMR Binaural experiences, you should heed a warning. This is not novelty ASMR audio that is fun to listen to for a minute. This is science-based true-form experiences that can elicit truly powerful and euphoric experiences that can last through the series of the session and beyond.
WARNING: While standard ASMR audio is a neat effect and fun to try, Binaural ASMR can be an extremely powerful and intense experience. Too extreme for many, actually. I-Doser has been smart in circumventing the smack-in-the-face intensity by constructing an artisan ASMR album that sort of “tells a story.” A meditation massage, a comforting embrace, a hands free orgasm, and ending in sleep triggers. The whole series amps you up slowly for: Yes, you read that that correct: Hands. Free. Orgasm. Let me explain.
To achieve a spontaneous meridian peak, they combine BOTH the in body (ASMR) and in mind (binaural and ASMR) triggers. The experience is potentially hundreds of times stronger than standard ASMR audio. This could potentially cause a spontaneous hands free orgasm when the series peaks (as per intention). Other unintended (or intended) results from these truly powerful sequences may occur as well such as spontaneous sleep, euphoric spasms, extreme tingling in the scalp and so much more. While some may expect simple “relaxing” or “entertaining” audio, it can be somewhat of a shock to experience full body sensory response at such a high level, and then potentially a forced or hands free orgasm. Because of this, we recommend at least checking out some of the amateur YouTube ASMR audio first, and a few binaural-only audio doses from I-Doser before exploring this new form of combined hybrid. Ease yourself into it. For the true psychonauts on the cutting edge, make sure you visit I-Doser for this amazing new technology. They have limited free offers so you can try with no obligation.
Happy Exploring and Stay Curious
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Honestly IDose I’ve been waiting for you to make an ASMR album for years. I’m glad you took your time and it looks like it has gone to the top of the charts. Good for you. I’m going to try it soon, but wanted to say congrats!
Thank you so very much!
Hi guys. You might remember me, i actually sent you an email recommending you look into the ASMR space. It’s so exciting to see you have combined your world-class products with sensory response. I am on my way to check out the new collections. Keep on innovating!
We do remember you! We often take a very long time refining our audio, unlike a lot of others out there. Once it lands though, it usually hits hard. We appreciate you keeping us in mind and for checking out the new stuff.
Finally, someone who gets it! Here is what I think happened. A few news outlets covered ASMR (Good Mythical Morning I think?). Within days YouTube videos started flooding in of basically just women making noises into a mic. This is ASMR in the root base form, and I never really understood the appeal. It’s not powerful ASMR, and it’s not all that sexual. Sure, it can be. But not inherent or blatant. The combination of binaurals and ASMR triggers seems like a match made and heaven and I’m glad you are taking the lead in this. If anyone has the skills to pull it off it’s you. Will everyone be having a spontaneous orgasm? Probably not. But I have a feeling achieving one is now possible at least.
Agreed. The ASMR was just one of many “goldrushes” to hit YouTube. Binaurals were the same way. People go with quality and soon find out what real ASMR, Binaural and not BOTH can really feel like. We have over a decade experience, and it shows.
In the past I have self-mixed some ASMR sounds and some homemade binaurals with mixed results. I was really skeptical after experimenting with this myself. I ended up buying the ASMR album on the day it came out, before this post. You do end up having a hands free orgasm during the track titled “handsfree orgasm” – it’s about 10 minutes and i peaked about 3/4 of the way through. You have to be in the right mindset, although I was not at all in a sexual mood so it will get you there first. As the article says it’s best to do all 4 sessions on the album in order for the full “girlfriend experience” type of journey.
It is absolutely possible to have a hands free orgasm. Many have using ASMR and binaurals. It can be intense. It is very helpful to do all four in session. Thanks for the response!