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Mobile Dosing is Here

Mobile Dosing is Here

We are a world on the move. Until now there has been a very limited and amateur selection of on-the-go binaural dosing apps. Today, I-Doser Premium has been released for both Google Android (tablet and phones), and Apple iOS (iPhone and iPad). The app is simply put: powerful and amazing.

I-Doser V5 is Here!

I-Doser V5 is Here!

When I-Doser v4 was released in 2007 it revolutionized the way people experienced alternate realities. Now, after 5 years of development, they have released V5 for computers. A completely revamped and free application, I-Doser can help you achieve a simulated mood or experience through the use of advanced audio sequences. Read more.

Prescription Simulations

Prescription Simulations

I can only speak to use in the United States, but prescription drug use is a rampant problem. While companies like I-Doser have been releasing Recreational Drug sequences for years, there is a new breakthrough in binaural simulations: mimicking the effects of prescription drugs. How well do they work? Read on.

How To Successfully Dose!

How To Successfully Dose!

It is very typical for a new binaural doser (that’s you!) to reach out to me for support. Luckily, there is an offical binaural dosing guide that was written by leaders in the space. There are some invaluable tips for getting the best out of your experience. I would like to talk a bit about a very powerful method covered in the guide that will help you achieve the best effects possible… Let me show you.

Quality Headphones Required

Quality Headphones Required

When asked why simulations don’t work, it is instinct for me to inquire about headphones. Most of the time the answer is “I don’t use them” or “my white iPod ear-buds.” In the case of no headphones, you aren’t doing it correctly. As for those Apple stock ear-buds? Don’t expect results. I’m going to speak about the importance of quality earphones, listen up.

Selling Doses for Profit?!

Selling Doses for Profit?!

I’ve looked through (and been a memeber of) many affiliate programs out there. Today, I will take a cold hard look at the interesting concept of selling digital drugs for profit to the tune of 20% per sale. Too good to be true? Internet scam? Or good money making program? Let’s find out.

I-Dosing Uncovered

I-Dosing Uncovered

Brands like I-Doser.com have reached international fame, where people call the process of simulating a mood or experience “I-Dosing.” While most news sources spread scare tactics (see my article on digital drugs), I’m glad their are news sources that report the truth. Let’s undercover the popular pastime of I-Dosing.

History of Binaural Beats

History of Binaural Beats

In my previous article I covered the Discovery of Binaural Beats. Let’s dig in to what happened both leading up to and after their discovery by of Prussian physicist and meteorologist Heinrich Wilhelm Dove. This is the abridged history of binaural brainwave modification (for us common folk).